New Trait: Allied
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Author:  Zblader [ Fri Jun 04, 2010 2:35 am ]
Post subject:  New Trait: Allied

I'm thinking that we don't get enough use of what an ai can do in this game. As a result, I'm suggesting a new trait: Ally!

Ally : Although the creature's caster and technical controller is you, the creature is controlled by the ai with a certain behavior.

This suggests a second force that is on the player's side, like a mercenary, minor tribe or such.

Here's a few I thought of.

Burly Guardslasher
2 4/4 3 3 0
1 UA
2 Flux
Patrols from your closest building(s) with max 2 spaces away. If Guardslasher can see a figure within 3 spaces of your closest building(s) it will attack that figure.

Kobold Strikers
1 1/1 2 4 0
1 UA
3 Flux
When cast, another Strikers will be placed as close as possible on a valid space. Strikers will seek out enemies and attempt to attack them if possible.

Orc Camp
0 4/4 1 0 0
(4 Flux) Place a Blade Hurlers next to Orc Camp. It has ally and will seek out enemies, and will also decide whether to attack or not.

Mindblank Spores
2 UA
4 Flux
Enchant Creature
Target creature has Ally to it's owner and it randomly wanders the map without attacking. Any creature adjacent to creature enchanted with Spores is also enchanted with Spores at the end of round.

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