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Halfling |
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Author: | Zblader [ Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:26 pm ] |
Post subject: | Halfling |
Halfling X Flux 2 UA 2 3/3 3 3 0 Select two creature cards in your hand when Halfling comes into play. The creature's types determines Halfling's ability (if no type applies or selected creature has no type, no effect applies.) Halfling has all the types and keywords from it's parent cards. Halfling's flux cost is half of the combined value of it's parents. If that cost is less than 4, the player pays 4 flux instead of X. Elf: Gain 1 Speed and 1 Range. Dwarf: Gain 1 Health and 1 Vision. Gnome: Gain the ability: (1 flux,Dim) A Lawn Gargoyle with 1 health is placed adjacent to Halfling. Fairy/Mogi: Gain Hover. Vampire: Recover 1 health each time a living creature is destroyed by Halfling. Construct: Gain Armor(1) Dragon: Gain 2 Range. Undead: Gains 2 Attack and Lifespan(10). Beast: Gains that beast's ability. If beast has no ability, gain 1 speed. Knight: Gains control of 1 random space adjacent to Halfling each turn. Gains 1 Health. Psion:Gains the ability: (2 Flux,Dim) Heal 1 heal. Gains 1 vision. Taken from other card ideas: Hero: Assumes the identity of a hero in your deck or hand. Cloak: Gains Cloak(2) |
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