Human Building Parts
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Author:  mindstheatre [ Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Human Building Parts

New Card Concept: Building Parts
Assume that Human buildings have no special abilities, or very limited abilities. They are naturally cheaper than the other races’ buildings, but lack power. The cards below are a new type of cards – “Building Parts” – that would function as an Enchant Building for the most part. However, Building Part cards have the following two qualifications.
1) They aren’t subject to disenchants. This is true even though the language refers to “enchanted building”
2) “Every time damage is done to enchanted building, a Building Part on that building is removed at random.”

Cost: HX2
Building Part

Creatures adjacent to enchanted building are healed at the beginning of every turn

Cost: H4
Building Part

Barracks can only target a Base Building.
Creatures cast adjacent to enchanted building cost 1 less flux.

Blacksmith – Armory
Cost: H3
Building Part

Blacksmith can only target a Base Building.
Creatures cast adjacent to enchanted building come into play with Armor[1] (this effect cannot stack)
(Dim): Replace Blacksmith – Armory with Blacksmith – Weaponry

Blacksmith – Weaponry
Cost: H3
Building Part

Blacksmith can only target a Base Building.
Creatures cast adjacent to enchanted building come into play with a +1 Attack Token (this effect cannot stack)
(Dim): Replace Blacksmith – Armory with Blacksmith – Armory

Cost: H1
Building Part

Upkeep: 1 flux
Fletcher can only target a Base Building
Creatures cast adjacent to enchanted building with range greater than 0 gain a +1 Range Token

Cost: H4
Building Part

Gain an additional flux at the beginning of every turn
(Dim): Transfer Merchant to another building you control

Town Guard
Cost: H2
Building Part

Enchanted Building gains +2 attack and can battle back

Arrow Slits
Cost: H2
Building Part

Enchanted Building gains +1 attack and +1 range

Author:  MistStlkr [ Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Human Building Parts

Really, really like the idea. Jed, will you give this person a job already??

Author:  mindstheatre [ Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Human Building Parts

Hah, too kind Mist. I do what I can.

Author:  Sunyaku [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Human Building Parts

I'd like to build on this a little more... what if there were a class Human creatures... let's call them "templar"... and whenever one of them came into play, you got to add an ability token to target creature (maybe only human?).... and then you could have templar for each stat (attack, max HP, vision, speed, range) ... and depending on the ability, the overall cost and of these templar would be cheap... i.e. they wouldn't be that great on their own, but could be used in conjunction with other cards to be awesome.

Author:  mindstheatre [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Human Building Parts

Sounds hot, Suny, but I'm confused about the application. Maybe make an example card so we can see how it works in practice?

Author:  Sunyaku [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Human Building Parts

Clairvoyant Templar
Creature: Human Templar
Cost: 2H
Rarity: Common
Attack 1, HP 1, Speed 3, Sight 3, Range 0

When Templar comes into play, add a permanent +1 vision token to target (human?) creature.

Look beyond what you see, and see what is not there.

Enduring Templar
Creature: Human Templar
Cost 2H
Rarity: Common
Attack 1, HP 1, Speed 3, Sight 3, Range 0

When Templar comes into play, add a permanent +1 max HP token to target (human?) creature.

A little bit of exercise never hurt anyone.

Nimble Templar
Creature: Human Templar
Cost 3H
Rarity: Uncommon
Attack 1, HP 2, Speed 4, Sight 3, Range 0

When Templar comes into play, add a permanent +1 speed token to target (human?) creature.

Jack be nimble-- and you will be too.

Mighty Templar
Creature: Human Templar
Cost 3HH
Rarity: Uncommon
Attack 2, HP 3, Speed 3, Sight 3, Range 0

When Templar comes into play, add a permanent +1 attack token to target (human?) creature.

Flying Dagger Templar
Creature: Human Templar
Cost 2H
Rarity: Common
Attack 1, HP 1, Speed 3, Sight 4, Range 2

When Templar comes into play, add a permanent +1 range token to target (human?) creature.

Templar of the Ancestral Vortex
Creature: Human Spirit Templar
Cost 4HHX
Rarity: Rare
Attack 1, HP 1, Speed 1, Sight 1, Range 1

When Templar comes into play remove all Templar you control from the game. Templar of the Ancestral Vortex gains ability tokens equal to all creatures removed in this way, as well as any ability tokens on those creatures. Does not undim as normal. 0: Remove an ability token to undim. Cannot be the target of spells or enchantments.

Author:  mindstheatre [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Human Building Parts

Some things which follow...

Cost: HH5
Building Part

Templar that come into play under your control have twice as many tokens to distribute as they would normally

Cost: H2

Dim target templar you control. Cast a templar from your hand with flux cost less than or equal to dimmed templar at no cost to you.

Tax Day
Cost: HHX

Remove all tokens on X creatures you control. Gain flux equal to the number of tokens you remove in this way.

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