Planar Bound
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Author:  Haothehare [ Sat Apr 18, 2009 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Planar Bound

This is an idea from poxnora... but basically there were a lot of spells that could teleport creatures around, and different versions of ascent (much less cheap than this game) and others.... and the counter to it was planar bound. It's like battle ready, or swims or aloft.. basically an innate ability to resist being moved around on the map involuntarily. This is a double edged sword. Something with planar bound for example wouldnt be able to be ascented or teleported into an ocean tile, BUT the owner can't move it around using things like the arena or planar rifts or teleports either. Also perhaps there could be an enchantment that gives something like planar bound. and I think all factions should have this in some form or other... things like entangle or lysis still work, just can't be moved around or removed from map (lysis destroys so it's a different story).

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