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Author:  Monyx [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:39 am ]
Post subject:  OBSERVATORY

STUPID GOOD NOW... PLEASE FIX IT JED. I think im gonna post this in about 3 different places so i can make sure u see it.

zeppelin raiders was decent ppl got switched to something that doesnt even count as a buff....ok yea i can deal with its my turn........observatory is stupid good as i said....surely im not the only that thinks so. it needs fixing....i dont even need to provide proof....its just dumb good.

Author:  Atahualpa [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OBSERVATORY

Heh, it's good... but not for CI decks, really, only in decks splashed with CI. Also, that means Scry Pool was pretty damn good too. Hm....

Anyway, I will support you in asking that Observatory be changed. Hopefully, for myself, to something useful for CI.

Unfortunately, even if you switch it back now, you'll still see the same Observatory decks but now using Scrye Pool. So... what options are there? I propose bringing the cost to 5, reducing the health and ditching the scry ability or, maybe, keep the ability but only reveal 1 hex...

Author:  Dublone1870 [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OBSERVATORY

How about making it reveal from the start of the next turn, until the ability is used again? It would be thematically fitting get a delay in there :P

Author:  jed [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OBSERVATORY

why is it so good?

Author:  Altren [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OBSERVATORY

It is too good - it breaks game rule for free an you always can rely on it because it autodraws.
It reveal anything, so you can get vision for Caprakin Warlorck, or for finding opponent's construction site without risk of loosing your creatures. Also cards like Mud Mogi and Shroud of blackness is almost useless against decks with observatory, because you always have vision.
You can place C-Site anywhere on map and opponent barely have a chance to find and destroy it. You can destroy well hidden figure (Osin Faith healer or Abrixian Sparker or Cathedral of Xosa or whatever) that always stay behind and hides from vision and you also can find it without any danger.

Author:  jed [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OBSERVATORY

I guess but why did no one use scry pool when it had the same effect?

Author:  Altren [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OBSERVATORY

Because it doesn't have autodraw ability. And also observatory's ability is bonus to domain. And in case of scrying pool it had a bit higher flux cost + 1 more card.

Author:  yaron [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OBSERVATORY

jed wrote:
I guess but why did no one use scry pool when it had the same effect?

I agree with Altren. Observatory's only cost right now is that a different domain building could have given control - and that's not much of a problem, as you don't intend to center-creep (because you can easily construct anywhere). There's no reason for any 2-3 domain deck with CI to not use it, since it costs 0 cards and -1 flux (compared to the alternative).

This a problem, because the card breaks a major rule of the game. It's a lot of fun when a card like that makes an occasional appearance (think Awaken the Stones, or Vortex), but it's a problem if it's played (and reliably drawn!) every 3rd game - because then the rule, and all the cards designed around it, lose their meaning.

I think it's a nice ability to have on its own card (if the card isn't powerful enough to make the cut in 1 out of 3 decks...). But I don't think it's a good idea to have it on a Domain giver that everyone's playing (and drawing) anyway.

Author:  queeshai [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OBSERVATORY

agree with others that this was an unnecessary buff. let's compare to Hadarck's Throne:

* costs two more flux to cast
* has salvage
* has two more hp
* has a really useful ability
* requires zero domain (can be splashed)

Author:  CaveTroll [ Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OBSERVATORY

I agree that the free vision ability could be a bad thing. But I must try it out before I can decide on agreeing with that it should get nerfed. So far I havent made or played agains any decks that prove this. Abd I still think Altar of Ix is better. Ix gives huge flux advantage, have the ability to sacrifice stolen creatures and it got vision. All of wich is a very nice trade for that one extra health and scrying ability.

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