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Author:  cuttingedge99 [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:51 am ]
Post subject:  fireball

this card is weak
my suggestion:
allow it to spawn in controlled unoccupied space

Author:  Zblader [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: fireball

Agreed. Often I have to use Loxlorn sail or Refracting Mist just to get a hit from this card.

Author:  Zurken [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: fireball

he attacks our base with a creature - you counter with play Fireball.
Sail, or the other card that moves enchantments and you have deadly weapon .. ;)

Author:  Zblader [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: fireball

Uh yeah, but then what happens when it's going in a direction that you don't want to, and you can only contradict it's movement to make it stay in one place?

Also it's pretty annoying that I have to get buildings in certain places just to even get a hit, and then get it disenchant'd or ocean'd two turns later.

Author:  Zurken [ Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: fireball

Use it against creatures.
4f = 4 dmg, with surprise and no chance to run away, unless spell is casted or something.
destroying buildings etc is just a little bonus I think..

Author:  cuttingedge99 [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: fireball

Zurken wrote:
he attacks our base with a creature - you counter with play Fireball.
Sail, or the other card that moves enchantments and you have deadly weapon .. ;)

well you can use sunburst for 3 flux.
i think that fireball should be controlled space for the extra 1 flux.
it still would not be that great.
at least this way, it would be useful. unlike the way it is not useful now.

Author:  Zblader [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: fireball

cuttingedge99 wrote:
Zurken wrote:
he attacks our base with a creature - you counter with play Fireball.
Sail, or the other card that moves enchantments and you have deadly weapon .. ;)

well you can use sunburst for 3 flux.
i think that fireball should be controlled space for the extra 1 flux.
it still would not be that great.
at least this way, it would be useful. unlike the way it is not useful now.

My thoughts exactly. Why use an enchant that can be dodged (manipulation and disenchant, hint hint) when you can damage them right now?

Author:  Illithid [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: fireball

There are strengths and weaknesses to everything. Do not underestimate the power of end of round damage as it cannot be healed after it is dealt. The simple fact that fireball has the ability to hit multiple targets and in some cases can devestate an opponents base makes it powerful enough. The harder to use cards tend to have more power because of it. There are plenty of people who make decisions on where to place buildings based on the situation so why can't you be expected to place your buildings on how you plan on playing fireball.

Also, for the person who said all you could do with a sail and a fireball was keep it in one location, there are 6 hexes surrounding a target hex, not just one, you can drag the fireball into different lanes and speed up and slow down the fireball with a sail.

Author:  Zblader [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: fireball

Illithid wrote:
There are strengths and weaknesses to everything. Do not underestimate the power of end of round damage as it cannot be healed after it is dealt. The simple fact that fireball has the ability to hit multiple targets and in some cases can devestate an opponents base makes it powerful enough. The harder to use cards tend to have more power because of it. There are plenty of people who make decisions on where to place buildings based on the situation so why can't you be expected to place your buildings on how you plan on playing fireball.

Also, for the person who said all you could do with a sail and a fireball was keep it in one location, there are 6 hexes surrounding a target hex, not just one, you can drag the fireball into different lanes and speed up and slow down the fireball with a sail.

Good points, you got me there :|. Has anyone besides me noticed that all of the cheap damage ELE cards all deal 4 damage? So yes, you could get different uses out of it. (Fireball, Sunburst, and Tremor)

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