A Fresh Start - A Fresh Look at the Cards (+ formula)
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Author:  Voices [ Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  A Fresh Start - A Fresh Look at the Cards (+ formula)

So I was thinking that we could have a fresh look at cards that we think are a bit 'troublesome' - I use that word rather than 'overpowered', since the latter seems to prejudge the case by definition - so that balancing issues might be addressed again.

Please use the following formula (copy/paste):

Name of Card:

Reason why the card is troublesome:

Suggested change:

Author:  Zurken [ Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Fresh Start - A Fresh Look at the Cards (+ formula)

Sorry I have read this post of yours after I posted in the other one and I'm too tired/drunk to fix it now =S hope its all right there as basically its about the same problem :)

PS I smell a forum sub-section around here (should this get realised, it'd definitely deserve one).

Author:  Voices [ Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Fresh Start - A Fresh Look at the Cards (+ formula)

There were several reasons why I suggested the above format for discussing cards:

(1) When new players read about the cards under discussion, they will get a sense of why these cards might potentially be problematic even if they have not seen this cards in action.

(2) It forces us to be a bit more articulate than normal and to actually state reasons why a particular card is problematic. To simply state that 'X is OP' is not to give a reason why X is OP.

(3) Changes to a card can easily be tracked down if those changes are stated in that particular card's post.

(4) There is one more reason, having to do with ownership of cards and TOS/EULA, but that one I will have to save for a later date.

Author:  Zurken [ Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Fresh Start - A Fresh Look at the Cards (+ formula)

I wasnt saying anything about the format ;)

but overall.. I disagree with this, it just seems to me that you are trying to start a new wave of nernernernerfffs and nerf any card which annoys you to nothing.
Is it too strong? Use it.
Don't wanna use it? Well you know about it - and you know, opponent has 2DL+another domain, and is not playing many creatures .. probably, there is Soul Plague coming. I'll drop a site and he will secure for me with his own card. Or he will be forced to go out, fight for it and delay casting of Soul Plague.
or you see opponent with 2 domains hoarding flux .. just save and creature dis you have instead of casting it on that trained dwarven warrior who is trying to bite it out from you.

I dont think there is any card which needs to get nerfed/remade right now, you can play around all of them. (I agree though that some are more annoying than others, but thats about it.)

IF anything .. I'd suggest to make another expansion, which would bring in the mix new cards dealing with those you see as 'problematic'. That would make much more sense to me.
(Say - you get some of the changes you suggest realised .. in a few months .. new expansion! And those cards we would now spend months tweaking would suddenly have to get changed again..)

Author:  Voices [ Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Fresh Start - A Fresh Look at the Cards (+ formula)

Zurken wrote:

but overall.. I disagree with this, it just seems to me that you are trying to start a new wave of nernernernerfffs and nerf any card which annoys you to nothing.

It is funny that that when you try to be construtctive, when you try to make a game that you like become better and when you try to help out, you are bound to meet with at least one person who thinks you are doing this in order to gain something personally from this. To you Uraxor, I can only say this: Look at my posts in this forum and consider whether I argue for personal gains. In fact, you an even start by reading - actually reading - the reasons stated above for the format given.

And again, do I ever bitch and moan in-game because of draws, terrain etc.? No, I don't.

Author:  Zurken [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 4:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Fresh Start - A Fresh Look at the Cards (+ formula)

Sorry Voices I agree that I was too harsh there, I know you are not like that. I see cries about OP cards/heroes/anything in every single game I play right now so when I saw it here as well I just overreacted.

My poĆ­nt was .. wel, I will try to rewrite it to actually express myself.

What I mean is, that I don't think these/any cards are that much game breaking that they would need adjustment right now.

I hope it's better now.

Sorry once again..

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