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 Post subject: Soul Plague
 Post Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:53 pm 
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Joined: Sat Jun 20, 2009 9:45 am
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Name of Card:
Soul Plague

Reason why the card is troublesome:
There's mainly been two strategic uses for Soul Plague. The first, strategic use is one where the caster himself is using creatures. One common idea is Soul Plague + Vampires + Belfry. The second, strategic use is with building decks, where the caster is not himself using creatures. One common idea involves Sould Plague + That Hive.

I think Sould Plague is an interesting card because of its double-edgeness. When it is used in the first strategic sense, your own creatures are obvioulsy also destroyed. Combined with the high domain- and flux cost, this makes it a card that is not always easy to get into play. I therefore do not think that there is anything essentially wrong with Soul Plague when it is used in these types of decks. I do admit, however, that I find it a bit boring, but that is only my personal opinion, of course :)

However, when Sould Plague is used in the second, strategic sense, I think it makes for a rather problematic card. This is because the double-edgeness is not there anymore. If you do not stand to lose anything from a Soul Plague, i.e., if it is used in a purely defensive way, then there are situations where I do think that it is OP in the sense that it potentially reduces the opponent's strategy in one go.

Suggested change:
I am not sure whether I think that Sould Plague needs to be changed. Maybe it is a case where we will just have to wait and see or, perhaps, ask Caevtroll to play his building decks more frequently ;)

 Post subject: Re: Soul Plague
 Post Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:45 pm 
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It was not CaveTroll, who was famous for his buildings deck .. darn, can't recall the name anymore :cry: (theflashpoint?)


I'd throw in
Earthquake (Gaze of Tyrant, Homestead)
Dispel Flux (any rush/2 domain deck)
as well.

Especially Dispel is VERY definite, the most game breaking card of all, IMO.

 Post subject: Re: Soul Plague
 Post Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:18 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:20 am
Posts: 235
Think it is a bit OP and boring.


Soulplague: All creatures loses 3 health.

 Post subject: Re: Soul Plague
 Post Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:12 pm 
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CaveTroll wrote:
Think it is a bit OP and boring.


Soulplague: All creatures loses 3 health.

I think this way of dealing with it might be a good idea but I think the loss of 3 health might not be damage enough. Would be interesting to pehapsh combine health loss with that other DL card with Plague (can't remember the name now) and make it applicable not only to Living creatures.

[And Uraxor, I think we should have new posts for those cards ;)]

 Post subject: Re: Soul Plague
 Post Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:54 am 
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Zurken wrote:
I'd throw in
Earthquake (Gaze of Tyrant, Homestead)
Dispel Flux (any rush/2 domain deck)
as well.

I'd be in favor of essentially scrapping all those three cards (remaking them into something else entirely). They don't add anything interesting to TFW, but detract quite a lot. Instead of building on the TFW logic, they're just anticlimactic.

 Post subject: Re: Soul Plague
 Post Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 1:33 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:20 am
Posts: 235
I'd be in favor of essentially scrapping all those three cards (remaking them into something else entirely). They don't add anything interesting to TFW, but detract quite a lot. Instead of building on the TFW logic, they're just anticlimactic.[/quote]

Agreed, Dispell, Soulplague and Earthquake is does not make very fun games.

 Post subject: Re: Soul Plague
 Post Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:11 pm 
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meh...lol u guys kill me buti guess if were scrapping cards....im gonna be sad to see earthquake go....ill add a few as well.....

orb of mind control....still needs to be changed.....
almost every ci card there is....but definetly most definetly course of destiny needs to be changed so there is at least a counter for it.....a card with no counter is op.
also as the game stands right now....soul plague is one of the few ways to deal with paladin. just saying....lysis should prolly be changed so that the entire game doesnt revolve around it. ex. - what u put in ur deck basically revolves around lysis....will this creature getting lysised give me loss of flux vs opponents 4 flux investment into lysis. earthquake can be a bit boring but anyone who has played themist recently would know why its necesary...mahals are op.....if earthquake goes mahals need to go too. im sure i can think of several more cards. dispell flux is strong mostly only in limited. noone saves flux in constructed anymore. also that elemental card.....well hell alot of elemental cards are op...play altren. meld + ams is gg...only way to stop it is to stop it before it happens. if u dont u lose. then with cards let u attack multiple times per round....elemental is ridiculously op.


 Post subject: Re: Soul Plague
 Post Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:18 pm 
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Monyx: I think you're spot on with much of that (though I haven't seen vapor or the orb do anything bad to the game myself). There's still quite some potential for making TFW better through balancing. We have a lot of unused cards as well.

 Post subject: Re: Soul Plague
 Post Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:52 pm 
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Guys, how about having separate posts for separate cards? As I see it, there are very different reasons for thinking that Sould Plague is problematic than there are for thinking that Earthquake is problematic.

 Post subject: Re: Soul Plague
 Post Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 5:08 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:09 am
Posts: 4
Why not nerfing soul plague to " if you control less than 3(or 2) flux well , all creatures are destroyed" ?

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