Stopping the ele mf rush
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Author:  UBER [ Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Stopping the ele mf rush

anyone have any good ideas on how to stop these things without using volcanos to take out hadarcks throne or sinkholes, because in the end youll probably end up needing throne to be fast enough. Two halls just will not cut it.

One idea i had was leprous shambles and deathmarks but even then deathmark can be negated or shamle can be fissured..

I was also thinking putrid zombie could be used to hose down a lot of the 2 life creatures but even then if you playing with one graveyard to be fast all it takes is a sleet mogi and tremor or a sink hole to royaly screw you over.

Author:  UBER [ Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping the ele mf rush

Wow, not a single person can think of a good deck idea...

Author:  kash [ Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping the ele mf rush

There is a reason I play MF/Ele :p

I've toyed with a Death/Ele, but it doesn't have nearly a smooth an early game as MF has.

Author:  cosmosiskwik [ Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping the ele mf rush

Haha Keyser just made a new thread about this too. I responded there, but yeah I have nothing more to add.

Author:  headshot [ Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping the ele mf rush

One possibility is to go heavy with ranged stuff, that works well against forts and a lot of other stuff typical to the decks you are talking about. For example, coldstreams, barons, and spaf around an emerald springs close to center, and an erg geyser for a finishing touch. Use entangles and teleports for cheap creature control.

If fissures are a problem, try to not use stuff that costs more than 3 flux and they will give you a nice flux advantage when fissuring. And no trainings to healthy guys.

I would advice taking some silver staggs for trainings and iron gates. They often use only 1-2 Halls so a stagg and tremor might cause serious trouble.

Author:  kash [ Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping the ele mf rush

headshot wrote:
I would advice taking some silver staggs for trainings and iron gates. They often use only 1-2 Halls so a stagg and tremor might cause serious trouble.

Using only 1-2 halls is crazy. There are *way* too many ways to lose a couple buildings.

Author:  Sunyaku [ Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping the ele mf rush

Wow, not a single person can think of a good deck idea...

I read the original post (several times), and decided not to respond because your questions/comments were not clear to me.

Author:  headshot [ Fri Aug 14, 2009 8:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping the ele mf rush

kash wrote:
headshot wrote:
I would advice taking some silver staggs for trainings and iron gates. They often use only 1-2 Halls so a stagg and tremor might cause serious trouble.

Using only 1-2 halls is crazy. There are *way* too many ways to lose a couple buildings.
Crazy or not, believe me or not, that seems to be the case with many top MF & E decks.

Another thing I thought about would be a Sylvan weenie rush with thrones, trainings and negates, just cheap stuff, and then a couple of barkskin dragons and morphs for later game. MF has few answers to 2 or more barkskins flying around. Greening would be better probably, but it's very unreliable.

Author:  UBER [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping the ele mf rush


Silver staggs are awesome. Thats a better counter for training than disenchant.

My final idea was volcano, walled outpost, attrition, magnemite beacon, reconstruct, iron gate, earthworks.

Reconstruct really is an amazing card now that I think of building a deck to use it. Anyways, mag beacon has 6 life which is great and can draw enemy creatures in to be attacked by earthworks or damaged by attrition. Not to mention its only 3 flux, aghim fissure cough.

And walled outpost would beat a flame ent with just one attrition if the flame ent decided to stay in your sphere of influence.

With reconstruct backing you up you should be pretty good. Same result as hill giant contractors.

This combo also allows you to use bilgrins and griblarnock. Which are great creatures if you have your own thrones and would also be great against most of the mf/ele creatures.

(Getting side tracked)
Pros of reconstruct to hill giants:
can add more of a useful building to your deck
cheaper by 3 flux
1 unlaligned domain cost more
costs 2 gold

Cons of reconstruct over hill giants:
Hill giants dosnt need a destroyed building to build
Hill giants gives more selection to where the placement of a building could be
Hill giants can be used to after your opponent has dealt damage to a building making those attacks wasted attacks.
cost 220-350 gold.

Author:  UBER [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stopping the ele mf rush

"The deck to beat" (41x)

Creatures: (16x)

3x Craig Scout
3x Dwarven Warrior
3x Galoms Prospectors
2x Silver Stagg
2x Bilgrins First Prototype
1x Griblarnock
2x Astridian Diplomat

Buildings: (15x)

3x Dwarven Hall
3x Earthworks
2x Magenetite Beacon
3x Walled Outpost
3x Ord Stone

Spells and Enchantments (10x)

3x Attrition
2x Negate
2x Volcano
3x Reconstruct

I dont think its perfect yet so some help would be nice. This is my deck to stop the mf/ele rushes though.

EDIT: Ok, so the deck lost to a sylvan/elemental rush, but I drew really poorly so Im not ready to abort the deck. I dont see any problem with decks having a certain weakness but I still think it has a chance to pull off a win against sylvan ele unlike the very slim chance most decks have against mf/ele. Its still a goal to have the deck good enough to compete against a spectrum of different decks though. I dont want a deck if its going to lose more than not but beat a certain deck type. Thats lame sauce.

Feel free to post your own decks or offer feedback. If no one reads this thats fine, I've been putting decks in words for a while it helps me build.

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