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Decks for less than 150g |
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Author: | jed [ Mon Feb 09, 2009 7:51 pm ] |
Post subject: | Decks for less than 150g |
So I was curious how good a deck you could make just buying it off the market and limiting yourself to 150g. I think this one is actually pretty good. The total came to 125g. There is only one uncommon the Temple of Zorn but it was about 1/2 the price of other uncommons. I think a non-sylvan deck would be cheaper actually since the sylvan commons are in higher demand. This deck has 3 things going on... The normal Sylvan rush, Beastmasters with the manticores, and hopefully the Maulers buffed by sparrow scouts, temple of Zorn, or Bindweed. Buildings: (8) 1x Temple of Zorn 3x Bamboo Watch Tower 1x Great Oak 3x Grove Creatures: (20) 1x Tenderfoot Archer 2x The Coldstream Guard 3x Sapling 1x Treeherd 2x Stone Mauler 3x Dimwitted Manticore 3x Dellenari Beastmaster 1x Tangler 1x Thistle Falcon 3x Mosslight Slor Enchants: (6) 2x Mis-Scribed Circle 3x Entangle 1x Sparrow Scouts Spells: (6) 3x Bindweed Poultice 3x Ascent Total: 40 I'll see how it does in the next GC Prelim... |
Author: | raptorus [ Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:34 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Decks for less than 150g |
funny, while the commity is talking about the gold in this game (that it is to difficult to get it) jed ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Author: | Agroagro [ Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:26 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Decks for less than 150g |
I tried this when I first started I was limiting my self to 250 tho.... and I still screwed up I was still getting use to the cards and had to change things around a few times. 250s a bit higher but i was trying to buy uncommons as well. But here it is stripped down a bit to be closer to 150 (current market) but commons seem to average 4 gold so its pretty tough. 3x flame ent 3x prodigal entropene 3x cinder mogi 3x sleet mogi 3x flamekin 2x shield warrior 2x sunburst 2x horns to hide 2x manipulation 3x negate 2x reconstruction 1x electric storm 2x sinkhole (just got one for 20g) 2x Vapor mahal 2x Mogi den 2x Dwarven hall 2x magma chamber 1x alabaster pantheon if your lucky you could get this for 150g. It might not be tier 1 but its plays ok. youve got loads of combat tricks and a really unload some fire power with the entropene and a cinder mogi. Horns to hide is great with flame ents and later you can try and buf him with the electrical storm. |
Author: | Hithlum [ Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:48 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Decks for less than 150g |
5 Minor clashes played, 3 won 2 Vapor Mahal 3 Bamboo Watchtower 2 Grove 2 Mogi Nest 3 Elven Scout 3 Hawks(never remember correct name) 3 Flame Ent 2 Coldstream Guard 2 Any one-domain, 2 or less casting cost creatures(don't remmeber which I have) 3 Sunburst 3 Entangle 3 Ascent 3 Cloudburst 3 Flash Flood 3 Tremor |
Author: | Wicked [ Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:00 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Decks for less than 150g |
I think 150g is to squeeze the orange a bit much! Any deck with a total cost under 150g pretty much consists of commons + some uncommons or 1-3 cheap rares. That's it. There's no room for more pricey cards! I do believe that it is possible to create decks for less than 150g, but there are a lot of cards which would not be possible to use in a 150g budget deck that could be used in a 200-300g budget deck. Inspired by a deck I was beaten by in a clash last night, I created a list of 41 cards. I made the list just to see how much it would take to put all the cards in it together. 5 basic domain bases, 3 copies of one uncommon, 33 commons. It's not a sylvan deck. The deck it was inspired by had a few more uc's or rares, and went all the way to the final, I didn't see the result of the final match. I believe this one could do the same. The uncommon card was estimated between 30g and 40g per card. The rest was commons of estimated value between 2 and 6. Estimated min. total cost: 165g, estimated max. total cost: 215g. I do believe that the majority of the players are able to obtain these cards fairly easy. ~Wicked~ |
Author: | angelatheist [ Fri May 08, 2009 10:27 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Decks for less than 150g |
I didn't see any budget DL deck so I decided to make one. I worked on this deck for a few weeks and got second in numerous clashes before winning with this version. Sylvan decks are the biggest problem for DL decks which is why i have the black plagues and the foul termite swarm. The dank pits/Astridian forum are extremely important since other decks will take flux wells much easier than you can. There are some nice combos in the deck such as Altar of Ix + Planar Rift and Possession + sacrifice effect. If you want to add more expensive cards Drain Blood and nether Plasma are very strong cards. This deck would also benefit from more ways to take flux wells such as Claimed with Blood or more buildings. If you look for good prices on the cards you should be able to make this deck for less than 150g. Buildings: (9x) 1x Astridian Forum 3x Dank Pit 2x Altar of Ix 3x Graveyard Creatures: (16x) 2x Hell Cat 2x Carrion Feeder 2x Medium of the 3rd Circle 2x Soul Broker 1x Astridian Diplomat 3x Crypt Doctor 1x Stone Mauler 3x Red Imp Enchants: (8x) 2x Black Plague 1x Demonic Surge 2x Possession 2x Planar Rift 1x Foul Termite Swarm Spells: (7x) 2x Lysis 2x Nefarious Research 3x Gather Spirits Total: 40 |
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