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Author:  queeshai [ Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Likes/Bugs/Suggestions


1. The timescale is good -- two rounds per day, spaced every two hours. I would now happily argue its merits with anyone claiming otherwise.

2. The random placement of flux wells. Perhaps this was the outcome of an earlier gleb's scavenger hunt ... or perhaps it was designed this way. Either way, I liked having to discover wells.


1. There are times when I don't draw a card at the start of a round, despite holding less than seven cards. There are clearly cards left in my queue because I will eventually start drawing again (without adding any new cards).

2. Vision does not always accurately reflect what I should be able to see. Sometimes I am able to fix this by moving a creature or changing the viewport.

3. Territory does not always accurately reflect what I own. This is, in fact, abuse-prone because I have been able to "instant-build" in places I shouldn't be able to.


1. Allowing me to add infinite basic buildings for free may be problematic. Spamming basics is too easy. Perhaps add a cost to basics or restrict how many (one) can be played per round.

2. Autoplay should happen at the end of a round, not the beginning -- this way I can always log in and my figures will be undimmed (unless I already moved them in the current round).

3. Autoplay needs to be smarter. Having my mud mogi attack a figure with negative 50 vision when another figure with positive vision is in range is unfortunate. (Note: now I see why the AI is so weak.) I'd imagine that making the AI smarter is a monumental task ... so, I propose this instead. For each figure, I should be able to select whether it "holds ground", "engages on sight", or "scouts". Making these selections would count as playing a round.

4. The screen navigation thing is confusing/buggy. I would replace it with a 3x3 grid -- there would be exactly nine views, which would be the same hexes for everyone. My understanding is that 2x2 would be sufficient to cover the playing field; but, having 3x3 would let people "center" the view to their liking.

5. The restrictions caused by the avatar were never entirely clear to me ... not sure if this was because of bugs or my ineptitude. Would be interested in discussing further. I like the idea of local influence though.

6. I never had a chance to see how cards like earthquake, overclock, or foul termite swarm would work. Incidentally, foul termite swarm vs my now 120+ hp pilgrim cairn would be interesting.

7. I think the cards that are "overpowered" are so because of the way autoplay works. People have mentioned carrion feeders -- I don't think they're overpowered at all. On the other hand, anything ranged (creature or building) is more powerful in this format. Similarly for creatures with armor. That being said, I think things are a lot more balanced here than, say, in 2v2.

Author:  jed [ Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likes/Bugs/Suggestions

Thanks for the feedback

bug 1) well by design you only draw a card if you have less than 3 if you are not online. I'm fixing that though so you will draw up to 7 no mater what.

2. Autoplay should happen at the end of a round, not the beginning -- this way I can always log in and my figures will be undimmed (unless I already moved them in the current round).

Then the problem is it is easy to run from uncontrolled creatures. I guess maybe that is ok though.

Author:  Nighthawk42 [ Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Likes/Bugs/Suggestions

queeshai wrote:
7. I think the cards that are "overpowered" are so because of the way autoplay works. People have mentioned carrion feeders -- I don't think they're overpowered at all. On the other hand, anything ranged (creature or building) is more powerful in this format. Similarly for creatures with armor. That being said, I think things are a lot more balanced here than, say, in 2v2.

Carrior Feeders aren't what they used to be. When it was shorter turns, by the time an opponent saw a feeder it was likely to be a 10/21 flyer with Fear. Combine that with them being commons and thus cheaper to add than anything that can counter something like that.

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