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 Post subject: Should an infinite combo that consistantly wins be nerfed?
 Post Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 7:41 am 
The Dark Platypus
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Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:48 am
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I'm referring to the benefits/twisting intentions/scorched horizons/infinite white elephant deck...

Altren wrote:
I agree with Keyser, and that's what I'm planning to implement actually.

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 Post subject: Re: Should an infinite combo that consistantly wins be nerfed?
 Post Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 8:08 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:37 am
Posts: 359
Personally, I love that deck :D

Uh oh... am I to be chastised for "criticizing" again?

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 Post subject: Re: Should an infinite combo that consistantly wins be nerfed?
 Post Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 11:20 am 
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Joined: Sat Oct 24, 2009 12:11 pm
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well i havent been beaten with it yet...and until it beats monyx its not op. but if u happen to beat me with it.... just happen to beat me with it...it could possibly be op.....

all i remember is....op this op that keyser this keyser that and orb this orb that....then who came along and set everyone straight by pwning keyser's orb deck....i believe it might have been mmmmmmmm me. yup so when i get beat by the elephant combo...ill let u know.


 Post subject: Re: Should an infinite combo that consistantly wins be nerfed?
 Post Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 11:42 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:20 am
Posts: 235
I think all cards that let players win without having to interact with their oponent is very boring. I know many people love these cards (Cathedral, Arena, Benefits, etc.) but I hate them and would be glad if they were baned from the game or at least nerfed.

 Post subject: Re: Should an infinite combo that consistantly wins be nerfed?
 Post Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 12:10 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:07 am
Posts: 1045
Well you should be able to interact with Arena. That is the cards intent at least.

 Post subject: Re: Should an infinite combo that consistantly wins be nerfed?
 Post Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 12:59 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:20 am
Posts: 235
jed wrote:
Well you should be able to interact with Arena. That is the cards intent at least.

Yes, but since it is allways cast far behind enemy lines, that doesnt happen very often. If it had to be cast soewhere in the middle, that card could be cool.

 Post subject: Re: Should an infinite combo that consistantly wins be nerfed?
 Post Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 2:03 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:57 am
Posts: 93
First off, I'd like to say that LeathalArtist puts together very inventive decks. There are also many other players that come up with great ideas and they are cool as hell to run into. Also, as you read my following comments I do pretty well against Leathal's deck, but I run a ton of anti-enchantment, so this isn't being said because of losing.

But, I agree with CaveTroll, I thought this was to be a strategy type of game, with player interaction. Our last rebalance was done in order to make games last a bit longer with more cards being played and more interaction between the armies. Now I understand the pride that comes with coming up with one of these combos, but do we really want this game to turn into 'who ever gets their combo first wins'. Especially when some of these combos have hardly any counter measures.

Like I said, I get wanting to win, I get wanting killer combos, I get all of that. What I don't get is, does everyone really want the game to turn into that type of game. Perfect example of this was the 'Flood/Globe combo', there were players that really wanted that combo to stay! I don't get it...I've actually had player apoligize and admit that they feel that they feel that their combo's are too powerful.

So, in conclusion, lets give these players their kudos for finding these loop holes. Hell, lets give them an award of some sort or their names on a wall, but its not good for the game imo. I really want players to think about logging on to this game and running into decks that can beat you in the first 5 rounds. Do we really want this,because I'll tell you what will happen, everyone will make that type of deck and it will become a race to who ever can get the cards first, I myself don't want to see that happen.


 Post subject: Re: Should an infinite combo that consistantly wins be nerfed?
 Post Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 11:10 pm 
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Joined: Sat Oct 24, 2009 12:11 pm
Posts: 148
i dont agree that benefits is anywhere near op....i dont agree that cathedral or any of those cards are op......i dont think the game should ultimately be your creatures vs my creatures. i think these cards add more to the game.....perhaps they make some games shorter.....but sometimes i personally enjoy winning to someone who happens to kick my heiny with no creatures and just some cool idea. i for one havent even played this new version of benefits with elephants however ive played benefits decks and i dont think they are op then again if it was up to everyone we just give everyone 20 1 1 creatures and let them go to town. the end.

@ themist about flash flood/globe.....i think most of the defense that came about that combo was simply from the ppl or person that thought of the idea....not saying that it isnt op because anyone with eyes and half a brain would realize that is the most ridiculous combo ever...i think most of the reason ppl argued in its defense is that the combo was only around for maybe a week at most after it was discovered.......and im pretty sure the person that created the thought of or introduced the combo bought a bunch of globes to sell....in spite of wether that would be considered greedy or not....doesnt really matter the point is.......that is why it was done...and the combo was around less than a week...i dont think anyone seriously wanted the combo to stay. just because they said it wasnt a bug doesnt mean that they wanted it to stay......im not tryin to be disagreeable but i dont understand why everyone wants to nerf something as soon as it gets started......either ppl are horridly scared of losing or as they say they like the idea of "longer games" and "interaction" yet what would u call "diversity" Would it be you play goblins and i play dwarves? I think the game could benefit from "more formats" rather than nerfing stuff all to hell so they arent playable anymore. "More formats" so maybe certain cards could be banned in those formats if ppl really disliked the card enough....and thats what the format would be for. i would prefer that over nerfing every good card in sight. however ix/plasma still hasnt been nerfed and until it does i cant fathom nerfing any cards.


 Post subject: Re: Should an infinite combo that consistantly wins be nerfed?
 Post Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 12:07 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:57 am
Posts: 93
Good point about ix/np Monyx...this deck we are now discussing uses that very combo as well!


 Post subject: Re: Should an infinite combo that consistantly wins be nerfed?
 Post Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 4:52 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:15 pm
Posts: 7
wow. interesting to see what you think about the elephants. as the user of them, i think its very lame that i can go the entire game without leaving my corner. however, i think it is fun to be able to do something that most people cant imagine happening, and seeing how shocked people are when they first see it.

when a new combo comes out, i believe it will always seem overpowered for some time. but that changes quickly. once people have seen it, they make changes to their decks to counter it and the combo loses power quickly. with my elephants, it wins against almost everyone when they don't know what it is, but once they are aware, its chance to win seems to be cut in half at best.

also, i know that a lot of people don't enjoy playing against this type of deck, so i will not be using it for every game much longer. i am testing it and moding it and seeing how other players try to fight back. by seeing how they break my combo, i can learn a new style for my next deck.

in the end, there need to be some things that make everyone need to worry about so that they can try to come up with new ways to fight it, and thus evolving the way the game is played. i know that almost every deck i've made has been based on being able to beat up someone that just beat me in a way i thought wasn't possible

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