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 Post subject: Re: Should an infinite combo that consistantly wins be nerfed?
 Post Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 5:24 am 
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Joined: Sat Oct 24, 2009 12:11 pm
Posts: 148
well the combo didnt seem to prevail against monyx....strangely he never even got it out....now u say ...but but but if he had....oooooo "if he had" sounds like a term coming from an imaginary game that didnt take place the one where he did get it out and possibly beat me yet all that is imaginary and did not occur. yup its definetly op........ about as op as tenderfoot archers. shame shame on u all.


 Post subject: Re: Should an infinite combo that consistantly wins be nerfed?
 Post Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 5:36 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:37 am
Posts: 359
I'll have to agree with LeathalArtist (I love his deck, afterall... no, not that deck). First time I played against it, someone sent me a PM and warned me against what was about to happen. I didn't really understand and LA proceeded to kick my arse.

Since then, I've been 2-2 against his deck. One of his wins wasn't particularly overwhelming and could have gone either way. One of my wins came down to LA being completely helpless and hoping to draw a particular after the first 5 or 6 turns (and everybody knows I use a slow deck).

Off the top of my head, I can identify several ways to stop the deck or at the very least delay it for a few turns.

Although, when he gets his combo together, it's virtually game over... he's almost helpless before then. If his opponent knows what's going on, he's in a lot of trouble.

Actually... we were talking after our last game and we both discovered a major flaw in his deck. That was found before this thread was created and before LA could fix the problem. Assuming he did, his deck has already gotten weaker due to the fix. If he didn't... I'm going to exploit it every chance I get. :twisted:

The bottom line is, the combo is powerful but correct play can beat it pretty consistently.

Looking for: Crumbling Alone (2)
Also looking for: Revenant Bishop, Osin Faith Healer, Pilgrim's Cairn, Avenging Angel (2)

 Post subject: Re: Should an infinite combo that consistantly wins be nerfed?
 Post Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 8:44 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:20 am
Posts: 235
Once again I must say that I dont think the discussion should be about cards/combos is OP or not, but if they are fun or not. If the game comes down to see if one player gets his combo or not, i dont think the game will be that interesting. Just sitting in a corner defending while you try to get you combo going is not fun to me. Fun games to me is when both players are trying to capture the flux wells.

 Post subject: Re: Should an infinite combo that consistantly wins be nerfed?
 Post Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 12:39 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:37 am
Posts: 359
This is rather amusing...

I assume you like building decks based off your statements and the fact that you have two building deck scripts.

Noob, fairly recently told me that a good number of people dislike building decks and find them to be the worst type of deck in the game.

It all boils down to what people enjoy. Personally, I like a good game-breaking combo. I like to work on pulling those off, I like to build decks that are able to take advantage of them. You like to collect flux wells. Other people like many many many little creatures. Other people like big ones. What happens when those of us who don't like weenie decks start to complain? Me, I dislike them, they don't allow me the time to build my combos.

Fun games for me are pulling off that combo... it may not happen every time, it may not even happen 10% of the time, but the one time that it does, makes it all worth while.

I also, for the record, enjoy playing LA's deck. It forces me to adapt my deck in ways it wasn't intended to work in order to get a win. It's really quite the puzzle.

Looking for: Crumbling Alone (2)
Also looking for: Revenant Bishop, Osin Faith Healer, Pilgrim's Cairn, Avenging Angel (2)

 Post subject: Re: Should an infinite combo that consistantly wins be nerfed?
 Post Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 2:19 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:20 am
Posts: 235
Atahualpa wrote:
This is rather amusing...

I assume you like building decks based off your statements and the fact that you have two building deck scripts.

Noob, fairly recently told me that a good number of people dislike building decks and find them to be the worst type of deck in the game.

You have it wrong. I do not like building decks. The reason I play them is that I am trying to show people just how boring they are. When I add some Cathedral of Xosa and Gilded Organs (both cards I think is bad for this game) they are especially so. The only good thing about them is that it is one of the few decks that has a chance against DL and Benefits decks. So as long as these decks isnt nerfed, neither should gilded organ be.

 Post subject: Re: Should an infinite combo that consistantly wins be nerfed?
 Post Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 3:31 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:41 pm
Posts: 83
CaveTroll wrote:
Once again I must say that I dont think the discussion should be about cards/combos is OP or not, but if they are fun or not. If the game comes down to see if one player gets his combo or not, i dont think the game will be that interesting. Just sitting in a corner defending while you try to get you combo going is not fun to me. Fun games to me is when both players are trying to capture the flux wells.

I 100% agree. I'm not a big fan of the building decks myself either. I actually fare pretty well against them with my Sylvan mostly-weenie deck, but then again, I don't particularly like my weenie deck either... it's just effective and less expensive than most other decks.

I'm sure you would have beat me no matter which deck you used, but I agree that the games without interaction aren't as fun and I'm seeing a lot more of them lately.

PS - In this last EC, I played Atahualpa, Monyx and Cavetroll and all 3 opponents played building decks.

CaveTroll wrote:
jed wrote:
Well you should be able to interact with Arena. That is the cards intent at least.

Yes, but since it is allways cast far behind enemy lines, that doesnt happen very often. If it had to be cast soewhere in the middle, that card could be cool.

I was thinking the same thing about the card just the other day. I thought it would be really cool if the arena popped up in the middle of the map, instead of deep behind enemy lines.

 Post subject: Re: Should an infinite combo that consistantly wins be nerfed?
 Post Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 4:51 pm 
The Dark Platypus
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For the record, I'd like to extend an enthusiastic "amazing job!" to LA for creating his deck. He took a card that most people think is relatively useless (White Elephant) and made it into an infinite combo. In one turn, using scorched horizons, benefits of spectatcle, and twisting intentions, he is able to go from 0 to 20 glory by continuously casting the elephants.

It's a combo that requires having benefits in play, having 2-3 elephants, and having a ton of flux (thank you scorched horizons). It sounds hard to pull off, but LA seems to do it consistently. I've heard reports of this combo going off by turn 5.

The ways to counter this deck are Gilded Organ (good luck getting that out by turn 5!), Overlock, or a well timed rush.

Rush seems to be the best deck against most of the combo decks out there... actually, against most decks (except for building/attrition).

Altren wrote:
I agree with Keyser, and that's what I'm planning to implement actually.

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 Post subject: Re: Should an infinite combo that consistantly wins be nerfed?
 Post Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:25 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:07 am
Posts: 1045
How does he get infinite elephants?

oh he is getting his own elephants back with elephant?

 Post subject: Re: Should an infinite combo that consistantly wins be nerfed?
 Post Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:28 pm 
The Dark Platypus
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Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:48 am
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He either draws or uses twisting intentions to get more than one elephant in his hand. He actually ended up with 5 of them against me (just for kicks I suppose). All he needs is 2. Using DL flux acceleration and scorched horizons, he gets enough flux to keep casting Elephants until he gets 20 glory with Benefits.

It's bloody brilliant (and I'm sad that i didn't think of it first).

He cast two elephants on me, used scorched to destroy all my cards and gain himself an extra 12 plus flux, then he kept casting elephant after elephant (each time he cast an elephant, he got one back because at least one was in my hand). Cycling the elephant did no good as he had 4 more left in his hand.

Altren wrote:
I agree with Keyser, and that's what I'm planning to implement actually.

|| The Rise of the DCC | Plasmatium Netherious | Tastes Like Chicken | The Astridian Conspiracy ||

Guild -> | Platypus Rising|

 Post subject: Re: Should an infinite combo that consistantly wins be nerfed?
 Post Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 10:12 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:41 pm
Posts: 83
It's clearly the most creative and so far my favorite deck I've played against. He completely caught me off guard :o with it the other day and I had no idea what the hell was going on until it was too late. It was an honor getting beat by that deck. The first thing I did after losing to it was tell LA how cool I thought it was and then bragged on his deck to Themist and krakhoar.

I'd love to take another crack at it sometime, so please don't retire it just yet LA.

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