Cave updated all his puzzles on 8-7. I solved Renegade TimeSap prior to the last update. The error was not occurring then. I defy you to solve it now. I apologize for the large amount of pictures, but I see no other way to show you what is happening.
End of Turn 1: Athal is just outside vision of Cairn. It should gain a health.
Turn 2: Cairn gained a health and it’s vision expanded to 3 due to 2 Constable’s being present. Cairn gains a health, but it sees Athal so it loses a health. I think this means it should stay at 2 health due to Athal.
Turns 3-5: I do nothing. The beasties keep chipping away at the Walled Outpost. The ones that see Athal slowly die. The Cairn, which also sees Athal, takes no damage.
Turn 6: Moved Athal out of range of Cairn.
Turn 7: Note that Cairn has lost no health at all. Why? It has been at 3 vision since round 2 and Athal has been at range 2 since end of round 1. To my reckoning, it should be at health 2. I move Athal into vision of Fortress.
Turn 8: Fortress has lost a health. It went from 9 to 8. Why did it lose health when Cairn did not?
turn 1.JPG [ 215.16 KiB | Viewed 15993 times ]
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turn 8.JPG [ 229.68 KiB | Viewed 15993 times ]