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Post subject: water, map, islands!!!!! Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:04 pm |
Joined: Wed Feb 04, 2009 9:47 pm Posts: 86
Well it is not the most usual thing but it happens some times.
I am attaching an image of my last match. I ended in an island but I had not even a choice. One flux point was completely surrounded by water and the other had only a hex avaible. I was completely trapped by water.
That map didn’t give me any possibility unless I had an army with lots of flying units.
Any ways I think that the way in witch maps are defined should be changed to try to reduce this problem.
I am thinking that there could be a restriction to only 2 water hexes adjacent to the starting flux points. That may help a lot.
Post subject: Re: water, map, islands!!!!! Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 12:59 am |
Joined: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:05 am Posts: 385 Location: South of Sanity
This comes up all the time on here and I'll save a lot of time and posts by more or less getting to the point. If you can think of an algorithm that will generate random maps which will guarantee this won't happen, then by all means please post it. To say that it is not an easy thing to do is an understatement. Re-reading that, it might sound combative or argumentative, I don't mean it that way at all... if you are any good at such things, the request for such a terrain generating system has been made and as far as I know remains unanswered. I studied programing in school and really don't know of any legit way to do it which wouldn't also kill the "contiguous ocean" which is something we don't want to get rid of. In the end, it sucks but there ARE ways around it with various decks/combination so nobody is totally screwed. It just sucks when your deck at the time wasn't built with that in mind.
Post subject: Re: water, map, islands!!!!! Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:39 am |
Joined: Thu Apr 02, 2009 4:33 pm Posts: 50
You can't deal with it playing a mono DL deck. Algorythm? Probably check that all flux wells are connected to each other by land.
Post subject: Re: water, map, islands!!!!! Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 3:15 pm |
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Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:55 pm Posts: 717 Location: Moscow, Russia
No, it won't be good, because sometimes they should be divided by water.
Post subject: Re: water, map, islands!!!!! Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 4:20 pm |
Joined: Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:40 pm Posts: 95
Hithlum wrote: You can't deal with it playing a mono DL deck. Algorythm? Probably check that all flux wells are connected to each other by land. KDPW Levy Corps? Geomantic Trickster? Volcanos? Mono DL. . .
Post subject: Re: water, map, islands!!!!! Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 5:28 pm |
Joined: Thu Apr 02, 2009 4:33 pm Posts: 50
Loopy wrote: KDPW Levy Corps? Geomantic Trickster? Volcanos? Mono DL. . . That's MF mate, DL = Dark Legion.
Post subject: Re: water, map, islands!!!!! Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 5:53 pm |
Joined: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:05 am Posts: 385 Location: South of Sanity
Your image didn't come through so I can't tell what the map was, but a 2+ vision building [Bone Fortress, Eye of Verexes] may have gotten you over the water, or Claimed with Blood will get control over the water as long as you had a creature with vision. Carrion Feeder gets you over it. Planar Rift can also be used [likely the best solution for DL in that case]. You have options, and I'll grant you that there are certainly not all going to be in every deck, but to say that a mono-DL deck can't survive that is untrue.
Post subject: Re: water, map, islands!!!!! Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:31 pm |
Joined: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:17 pm Posts: 98
Hithlum wrote: You can't deal with it playing a mono DL deck. Algorythm? Probably check that all flux wells are connected to each other by land. DL Domain building + Glimpse of greatness + ghost ship = mono dl solution.
Post subject: Re: water, map, islands!!!!! Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 2:29 am |
Joined: Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:40 pm Posts: 95
Hithlum wrote: Loopy wrote: KDPW Levy Corps? Geomantic Trickster? Volcanos? Mono DL. . . That's MF mate, DL = Dark Legion. Yeah. I've got dwarves on my mind. Always mess that up.
Post subject: Re: water, map, islands!!!!! Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:58 am |
Joined: Thu Apr 02, 2009 4:33 pm Posts: 50
Wicked wrote: Hithlum wrote: You can't deal with it playing a mono DL deck. Algorythm? Probably check that all flux wells are connected to each other by land. DL Domain building + Glimpse of greatness + ghost ship = mono dl solution. I am sorry, a mono DL deck with Glimpse of Greatness and ghost ship? how is that playable? MistStlkr wrote: Your image didn't come through so I can't tell what the map was, but a 2+ vision building [Bone Fortress, Eye of Verexes] may have gotten you over the water, or Claimed with Blood will get control over the water as long as you had a creature with vision. Carrion Feeder gets you over it. Planar Rift can also be used [likely the best solution for DL in that case]. You have options, and I'll grant you that there are certainly not all going to be in every deck, but to say that a mono-DL deck can't survive that is untrue. I heard that Carrion feeders can really do some serious damage early on... And 2 vision building? so you need 2 of those just to get over the water(no he couldn't even get to a flux well with 2 2-vision buldings, I think he would need 4), where the building will be raped by enemy creatures. Point is: unless you have a retarded or afk opponent, you are not gonna win that game.