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 Post subject: Helpful Players
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:44 am 

Joined: Fri May 29, 2009 1:46 pm
Posts: 5
emancipate and Faxos were very helpful to me when I bombarded them with questions. emancipate showed me how to ... Play effectively (i.e. I practiced against him (at the loss of some ladder-points)) and Faxos was just some random person who answered all my questions when I complimented him on winning two tournies. Permission to quote granted by Faxos:

[20:10]Phenoca: You won again :)
[20:10]Phenoca: But I didn't bet on you this time.
[20:10]Faxos: ehehe
[20:11]Phenoca: Did you get your cards from drafts? Did you
purchase the sand starter-deck?
[20:12]Faxos: actually
[20:12]Faxos: i played about 2 months (before the ladder
[20:12]Faxos: i earned a little bit of gold and few cards but
it's very slow
[20:12]Phenoca: So you used the market? Drafting? Starters?
[20:12]Faxos: so i purchased 500 gold and purchased the
cards i wanted one by one
[20:13]Faxos: but that's ok only if you have a clear strategy
in mind
[20:13]Faxos: otherwise domain league is probably the best
[20:13]Phenoca: Why leagues?
[20:13]Faxos: along with ladder matches to earn gold of
[20:13]Phenoca: jed said that Drafting is the best because
you can sell all the cards you don't want.
[20:13]Faxos: true
[20:14]Faxos: but with domain
[20:14]Faxos: you get all cards of the same domain... so
you can start building a deck consistently
[20:14]Faxos: difficult to say, maybe jed advice is better :P
[20:14]Phenoca: <-- sylvan and mountain (though the
anti-enchantments look nice).
[20:14]Phenoca: Are there any ways to counter Lysis?
[20:15]Faxos: no way
[20:15]Faxos: well
[20:15]Faxos: very few ways and they are odd or rare cards
[20:15]Faxos: you have to prevent the cast somehow
[20:15]Faxos: dew mogi, gilden organ, null stone...
[20:15]Faxos: few cards only
[20:15]Phenoca: I only knew about mogi.
[20:16]Faxos: the others are cards which are almost never
[20:16]Faxos: so
[20:16]Phenoca: Gilded Organ is an amusing card :)
[20:17]Faxos: if you have an idea of what your deck should
feature... buy cards one by one... but overall it is usually more
expensive than getting a "random" deck
[20:17]Faxos: ehehe
[20:17]Phenoca: Null Stone looks useful also.
[20:17]Phenoca: Do you use Null Stone?
[20:17]Faxos: I NEVER saw gilden organ in play
[20:17]Faxos: i don't use the stone... i saw it maybe once
[20:18]Phenoca: I like having decks where I can setup a
base at two fluxes, and then spam weak units.
[20:18]Faxos: very good
[20:18]Faxos: mf/sylvan are quite good at it
[20:19]Phenoca: mf = mountain... f..?
[20:19]Faxos: folk
[20:19]Phenoca: Yes, my favourite deck is the
mountain/sylvan combined, but my level 1 falcons and scouts
are all phantoms.
[20:19]Phenoca: But they are also easy to acquire.
[20:20]Faxos: absolutely
[20:20]Phenoca: Is falcon worth to have? What about other
level 1 units that are easy to buy?
[20:20]Faxos: falcon is one of the most used (and useful)
creatures, i think :D
[20:20]Phenoca: And something that is the equivalent of
'Call to Battle'?
[20:20]Faxos: mmm
[20:21]Faxos: if you pack enough creatures in your deck
[20:21]Faxos: you don't need call to battle
[20:21]Phenoca: Anything where I can draw more cards? I
still like using enchants.
[20:21]Faxos: which also costs 3 flux and it slows you down
[20:21]Phenoca: In fact, I like Ascent a lot.
[20:21]Faxos: very few cards allow you to draw additional
[20:22]Faxos: and usually they are very situational cards
(such as gills and fins)
[20:22]Faxos: something you don't really want to use :P
[20:22]Faxos: ascent is very strong if well used... targeting a
high-cost creature
[20:23]Phenoca: That is the reason I like it. That creature,
even if replayed, will waste two turns, and end up at a base.
[20:23]Faxos: sure
[20:23]Phenoca: Can I have more than 3 cards of a
non-base card?
[20:23]Faxos: nope
[20:24]Phenoca: Are dwarven hall and grove the only
mf/sylvan structures which allow me to recruit from adjacent
[20:25]Phenoca: Is there any way to move and then use an
ability for Mosslight Slor (instead of moving the attacked unit
to Mosslight)?
[20:25]Faxos: mmm
[20:25]Phenoca: How many clicks determines the difference
between using ranged and a melee-attack?
[20:26]Faxos: there are other mf/sylvan base buildings,
check the market (use filters) for the complete cards list
[20:26]Faxos: for the mosslight... no way, unless you undim
with another creature/ability/spell
[20:26]Faxos: (for example, manipulation, or the timesap
[20:27]Faxos: about ranged/melee... i don't know :)
[20:27]Phenoca: Exhausted Mine + Mosslight looks amusing
[20:28]Phenoca: Nvm - move 'un'dimmed :(
[20:28]Faxos: so so, you dim the creature once you move it
[20:28]Faxos: exactly
[20:29]Faxos: mine is not a very good card (well, you never
know until someone uses it proficiently :P)
[20:29]Phenoca: Gossamer Palace... It only works if there is
no unit on the enchantment space?
[20:29]Faxos: yes
[20:29]Phenoca: Is there a way to arrange cards in order of
value? Ooh there is - good :)
[20:30]Phenoca: Why don't players use Ord Stone? Does Ord
Stone still control a flux well if you build it on the flux hex?
[20:30]Faxos: no it doesn't unfortunately
[20:30]Faxos: but it's already a GREAT card
[20:30]Faxos: i have 3 in my deck
[20:30]Faxos: it was the first card i bought
[20:30]Phenoca: No; not for the level 1 unit-spamming.
[20:31]Faxos: true, it depends on the strategy
[20:31]Phenoca: I will use it if I find more units.
[20:31]Faxos: in my deck i require a lot of mana and it's
simply sooo useful
[20:32]Phenoca: Do all buildings take 4 turns to construct?
(ignoring the dank pit.)
[20:32]Faxos: yes, construction time is the same
[20:33]Phenoca: Dank Pit... Also takes 4 turns then?
[20:33]Faxos: yeah
[20:33]Phenoca: What counts as a 'beast' unit for Dellenari
[20:33]Faxos: if it's a beast, it's written on the card
[20:33]Faxos: not the card name, in the text
[20:34]Phenoca: Why don't players use Timesap (its cost is
so low)?
[20:34]Faxos: e.g. manticore, ord beast, mastodon are
[20:35]Faxos: the cost
[20:35]Faxos: depends also on availability
[20:35]Faxos: timesap is a common card, so it's often found
in random decks
[20:35]Faxos: apart from this
[20:35]Faxos: it's a good card, but the creature costs 5 flux
[20:35]Faxos: not little :)
[20:36]Phenoca: What is "doesn't undim as normal"? You
can only undim for 2 flux?
[20:36]Faxos: yes
[20:36]Phenoca: Not at the - ok.
[20:36]Faxos: multiple times per round
[20:36]Faxos: so
[20:36]Faxos: crappy if you have low mana
[20:36]Faxos: awesome if you have a loit
[20:36]Faxos: lot
[20:37]Phenoca: Hey! This chat box lets me mouse-over the
abilities :)
[20:37]Phenoca: If you place the chat beside the card and
then move the mouse from the chat-box to the card, you can
read the mouse-over descriptions.
[20:38]Faxos: i think you can just press shift while moving
the mouse for the same effect
[20:38]Faxos: let me check
[20:38]Phenoca: Ctrl.
[20:38]Faxos: yes ctrl
[20:38]Phenoca: Thanks.
[20:38]Phenoca: Thank you for answering all of my
[20:39]Faxos: no problem :D

Even when I disagreed with him, he found some case to back-up why my disagreement might be valid... Nice.

And now, I shall... Play ladder!

 Post subject: Re: Helpful Players
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:54 am 

Joined: Thu Apr 02, 2009 4:33 pm
Posts: 50
Ladder is for wussies, real man do Minor Clash :)
I'd like to say that real man also do Keep Cards, but I have been waiting for one for the past 2 weeks...

 Post subject: Re: Helpful Players
 Post Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:05 pm 

Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 2:51 am
Posts: 584
Location: Madison, WI
I probably won't find much time to play until mid July because of work and vacation, but I'd love to play some draft keep. :-D

 Post subject: Re: Helpful Players
 Post Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:35 am 

Joined: Fri May 29, 2009 1:46 pm
Posts: 5
Hithlum wrote:
real man do Minor Clash :)

Minor Clash got nerfed : (

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