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 Post subject: Opinions of some cards
 Post Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 7:58 pm 

Joined: Fri Jun 06, 2008 10:40 pm
Posts: 5
First of all, sorry if my english is not correct at all. I think that at least you can understand me.

I haven't tested everything very well to have a wide opinion about balancing all cards, but let's see:

Naturescaping: Cost 2, Need: 2 sylvan domains, Spell: Target unoccupied terrain becomes the terrain of your choice.

Ok, it's an interesting effect. But, does it really worth spending a card doing this? You are not killing anything because its unoccupied terrain, and for example, if what you want is to isolate one of your buildings with ocean, you'll have to play 5 Naturescaping more in most cases.

I think this card will be unplayed if is not changed. Possibilities:

-Target unoccupied terrain becomes the terrain of your choice. Draw a card. Maybe 1 more to the cost. Maybe not.
-Target unoccupied terrain becomes the terrain of your choice. Add 2 flux. (this is the same that if it costs 0)
-Chose up to three target unoccupied terrains. They become the terrain of your choice. Maybe the terrains must be at least 1 space from each other.

Harmonic dissonance: Enchantment. 4 flux cost. 2 neutral domains. Enchant world. Player lose all their flux at the end of every round.

This card is awesome. My deck is made around it and it's really broken. Of course, if you are playing agains Elementals or Dark Legion they won't be able to destroy it, and Sylvan would have it not very easy because their antienchantments costs 4. This card and Acmar Disruptor (no flux is drawn from flux points) give you the match. You'll have for the rest of the match 2 flux. And those 2 cards are not really difficult to play. I think the better is Harmonic Dissonance, because Acmar Disruptor alone let's you add at least 2 flux every turn.

I don't know. Maybe making Harmonic dissonance a creature to make it easier to be killed (with attacks or spells) or making it cost more.

Soul plague: This card has to exist. It's inevitable. But I don't know. It breaks all creature-based strategies, logically. And creatures should have a more important rol in this game, because I think right now, the most popular type of card are Buildings. Maybe if it costs more, or if it kills creatures under X Hp, or above X Hp, or creatures in certain zone.

What do you think?

 Post subject: Re: Opinions of some cards
 Post Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 1:07 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:40 am
Posts: 58
I use naturescaping quite alot.
If you cast it on a flux point, change terrain to forest, then cast loyal wilds and maybe wider woods, you have a free flux point that they cannot destroy without a disenchant.
Also, using this in conjunction with ents' is a great way to have powerful units appear anywhere you want them to.

I agree about soul plague. With DL having lysis, darkbolt and soul plague, possesion and death, they have far too much unit killing cards that cost relatively little.
I lost one game because my opponent played 3 lysis, darkblot twice and 2 soul plagues (!) -No matter what summoned, it was killed within a turn of it geting summoned. I think these cards should cost more.

If you ever need help/training/tips etc just ask.

 Post subject: Re: Opinions of some cards
 Post Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:13 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:07 am
Posts: 1045
Naturescaping: It is probably overpriced I agree, but I think it is worth at least a card to be able to change terrain. I use it also in a deck or two when it helps a lot to have a certain terrain. Like with chambered reef.

Harmonic Dissonance: I really haven't played with it or against it enough to tell quite yet. Your deck is the only I've seen I think that makes it a real problem for the opponent. I'll build a deck around it also to get a better feel.

Soul Plague: Yeah I agree that buildings still seem way more important than creatures and this card just adds to that. But I think the solution might be increasing the power of creatures in general.
Maybe it could kill all creatures that you see? but still what is the right cost for the card as it is?

 Post subject: Re: Opinions of some cards
 Post Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:36 pm 

Joined: Fri May 30, 2008 7:21 pm
Posts: 5
Soul Plague could be changed in many ways to make it less powerful.

A) Reducing it's flux cost and adding a modifier like: pay x flux destroy all creatures with these Hp or lower.

B) Making some figures that shouldn't have soul like constructs and elementals immune to it's effect.

C) Set a limit to the number of unit it can destroy (maybe a modifier like in A).

Also I feel that buildings are too important. Sometimes you can win playing buildings only what's really weird. Maybe some new cards that can destroy or damage them easier could help.

 Post subject: Re: Opinions of some cards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:59 am 
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Zeus wrote:
Also I feel that buildings are too important. Sometimes you can win playing buildings only what's really weird. Maybe some new cards that can destroy or damage them easier could help.
Mountain folk have card for destroying all buildings ;)

 Post subject: Re: Opinions of some cards
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:14 pm 

Joined: Fri May 30, 2008 7:21 pm
Posts: 5
Altren wrote:
Zeus wrote:
Also I feel that buildings are too important. Sometimes you can win playing buildings only what's really weird. Maybe some new cards that can destroy or damage them easier could help.
Mountain folk have card for destroying all buildings ;)

Yes.. I know.. but in that card "ALL" is the key... even yours. You are as dependant on buildings as your opponent. I see earthquake as a casual card, but not as an effective way to counter buildings. At least not for all armies :).

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