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 Post subject: Something that I need to say regarding the 1G per win...
 Post Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:28 pm 

Joined: Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:39 am
Posts: 1
I made a new thread on this for a reason. I have a lot to say and I want people to read it which might not happen if it is added to an old thread everyone may consider to be dead. I also want to warn you there is a wall of text below that may beat the Great Wall of China in length. XD

I have seen and heard a bit about this discussion over the 1G reward for winning a game being removed. I am new to The Far Wilds but I would like to share my opinion on this matter. The first thing I want to clear up is that players can’t use 1G wins as an alternative to buying G from the company or other players players*. Minimum wage in Canada, where I live, you can make around $8 an hour. That is close to about 400G. It probably takes 10 minutes to beat the computer and longer to beat another player unless you have awesome cards, which new players do not. That means in an hour you can win 6 games and make 6G. See the math here? 400G > 6G in the same amount of time. Let us change that around a bit and say you win a game in 2 minutes, I doubt that happens very often if ever. That means you make 30G in an hour. Once again 400G > 30G. People who have money to spare, have jobs they work at and/or have a way to spend money online will still buy G regardless of the 1G per win and it will just be an extra bonus for playing and having fun. However, what about people who don’t have spare money, that don’t even have jobs or that are under 18 and can’t find a method to buy stuff online? It isn’t a smart business tactic to give them no room for growth in the game because someday they might want and/or become able to buy G if they stay with the game. Also by giving people the 1G per win it makes them more interested in the low level pay to enter formats. I have 10G that I got from a power I sold. I got that power from a Minor Clash by getting third place. I don’t enter the low level pay to enter formats though because I don’t want to lose that 10G. Why? Since then I have never got third and have played around 3 other Minor Clash and there is no easier way to get that 10G back if I lose it which would be very likely to happen. I don’t care what the people in charge say, a default deck might be able to win a Minor Clash in the hands of a really skilled player or a really lucky players but in general they are at a major disadvantage. Same thing goes for the ladder, people with default decks are at a disadvantage. I know there are phantom cards but those only last so long and are randomly obtained. It is like new players are playing sealed ladder against everyone that have their own cards. People who already have lots of cards won’t care much about 1G per win but new players will and it is never a good public relations tactic to make players feel as if you only care about their money. It is fine and all to make a profit but don’t alienate people who don’t have the money or can’t buy stuff online while doing it. I remember one of the moderators saying how they want these cards to be sold on eBay and such. If that ever happens it will only come if the game becomes incredibly popular. On the game site cards might be sold for real money but it won’t be reaching eBay and if it does it will only be a couple cards here and there on eBay unless the game becomes incredibly popular. Now about phantom cards, they just don’t cut it for new players, especially since they can’t be used in Minor Clash. Moving on though 1G per win is not an effective method of G farming for any level of player. If they want to make money it would be much easier to get a job at McDonald’s and make more money at that then G farming on The Far Wilds and giving a small way for players to get ahead just by playing will make The Far Wilds very different than any other game like it and that alone should help increase the number of players that enjoy and continue to play the game. I have shown you math that supports my reasoning and what I believe to be a lot of good reasons why the 1G per win should be returned to The Far Wilds but here is everything I have said in point form just so there is no misunderstanding.

-Helps public relations by making you seem like you care about the players, especially new ones.
-Lets new players get ahead even just a little without spending weeks trying to win a Minor Clash.
-Is not an effective way for people to make money in real life compared to any job.
-Does not cut into your profit margin by much since mostly players that can’t buy cards will use it to actually get packs and cards.
-Only the very skilled new players will be able to use it to go infinite without paying you anything and that will still take them a lot longer than just buying G from you.

I may have forgot some things to put into point form the bulk of the text so I apologize if that is the case. If anyone has a good and valid reason they disagree with any of the facts or points that I have stated in here then please share them with me and I will be more than happy to discuss things, just so long as it is kept civil.

*I saw a person selling G for around 12% less than you or something. You think 1G per win is bad for business? No. When your players are selling G lower than you that is bad for business. Seriously, do what some other player suggested and make your gold cheaper the more you buy at once. It is a smart and well obvious strategy to make money. Don’t be foolish and ignore that.

 Post subject: Re: Something that I need to say regarding the 1G per win...
 Post Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 4:26 am 

Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 2:51 am
Posts: 584
Location: Madison, WI
Long post... is long.

You raise good points. But these, and many other even better points have been raised in the past. As a new player, I understand your need to voice an opinion on this issue, but if the solid arguments of days long past didn't sway the devs, I'm not sure anything will.

But hey man-- nice shot. A good shot man.

 Post subject: Re: Something that I need to say regarding the 1G per win...
 Post Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:39 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:00 am
Posts: 150
i can pretty consistently beat the ai in 2-3 minutes so that would be 20-30 gold per hour for me. If i played multiple computers at once i might be able to average 1-2 minutes per game so maybe 30-60 g per hour. Ladder is only bad for people at the bottom or the top of the curve since its difficult for them to find evenly matched opponents, the deck you have dosent matter that much since it contributes to your rating as well. by my estimate most online games tend to value rewards earned playing the game at 1$ per hour so 1 gold per game is right around that amount. In my opinion though phantoms are probably worth around 1g or more on average so i think the current system is fair.


 Post subject: Re: Something that I need to say regarding the 1G per win...
 Post Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:15 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:07 am
Posts: 1045
Please also realize that there are tons of ways to play the game without ever getting gold. For example you can play free drafts and sealed games all you want. There you will see new cards and be on even footing with people who have bought cards.
Us giving away gold quickly leads to inflation and devalues gold which isn't good for the game.

 Post subject: Re: Something that I need to say regarding the 1G per win...
 Post Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 3:25 pm 

Joined: Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:28 pm
Posts: 64
jed, this may seem to be the case but right now your biggest problem is lack of players. you need to attract as many players as possible and THEN you can fix the game's economy. it doesn't matter if there's inflation if there are only 200 players...

 Post subject: Re: Something that I need to say regarding the 1G per win...
 Post Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:28 am 
The Dark Platypus
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Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:48 am
Posts: 951
Wait... what games cause you to wager 1G?

Altren wrote:
I agree with Keyser, and that's what I'm planning to implement actually.

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 Post subject: Re: Something that I need to say regarding the 1G per win...
 Post Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:00 am 
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Joined: Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:01 pm
Posts: 526
Keyser wrote:
Wait... what games cause you to wager 1G?

Maybe it was once, but now it is just a suggestion (so no game atm)

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