I certainly won’t be quitting because of the problems I’ve encountered in this game. But I agree with the poster, I think the problems this game suffers will turn away A LOT of gamers.
Before I get started I would like to say I agree with a friend of mine who I invited to play this game: “Far Wilds combines all my favorite strategy games into one”.
So I agree with all of the problems cited by the poster, but I would like to expand the list and offer some solutions:
First off, this game really DOESN’T have a steep learning curve; there is just NO information available on this game. The “strategy and army” forum is a joke. There needs to be fansites, the wiki for this game seems REALLY old, it hasn’t even added the additions of guilds (which I am guessing is new-ish). There really needs to be a list or a site like starcity games that has blog posters posting about games, decks they’ve played, deck ideas, combos, and most importantly: A CARD LIST. I was pissed I couldn’t find a card list besides the market place, which is kind of a pain in the ass to use (I don’t know if the market place lists all of the current cards available).
Also they need to have a rule book available, often I will be curious about a rule or if something will work and I will have to ask in the lobby, and the community can be somewhat elitist. I’ve only encountered a few A-holes so this isn’t a problem.
Secondly, the AI. There needs to be more AI options; maybe even allow the AI to play some decks you’ve constructed, that way you can test your deck versus some of the meta game decks out there.
And yeah, the ladder is just a mess. It’s confusing and broken. I can’t really think of any ways to fix the ladder other than to make it static in terms of not resetting every 5 hours maybe reward gold when a player ascends the ladder; but never giving them gold for ascending a spot they have already ascending (maybe this ladder could reset everytime there is an expansion released or something). To still give the ability to play the game for free and earn gold, have more free tourneys that pay out gold and that separate players by hours played, number of tourneys won, and rank; that way a new player can’t play a veteran player (I am not sure if these already exist or not).
Also I’ve actually waited two hours to play someone of similar level, and still didn’t play a game. But I think this has to do with the horribly small player pool. Which again, you can’t do enough to promote this game. I joined the game because of banners on Starcity games, so things like that work. Maybe give incentives to players who promote this game on their websites/blogs. I know the referral system is now in effect which is nice. I’ve already invited all my friends and sent out facebook/myspace/emails inviting people to play this game because of it (haha), when before that I wouldn’t have bothered.
Standard games not only can but DO normally take up to an hour or so. Maybe this is because I am new, but I’ve actually lost due to time out several times. In fact it wasn’t, until recently, after like my 8th or 9th game, that I didn’t really understand how rounds played out. I really like playing custom games because you can greatly reduce the amount of time a game takes, however, no one joins custom games so I always have to play against the AI.
Last thing I want to comment on is: MORE GAME MODES! And more ways to win gold for free

I would like to see more game modes; like chaos, where every round some random world enchant triggers that could either hurt all players or help all players.
It might be cool to do something like magic’s vanguard (if any of you play MTGO) where you play as a character from inside the Far Wilds lore (if there is any) and they give you certain enhancements like increased starting hand size, flux per round, creature vision or movement, etc.
Anyways, I’m not getting paid for this so I am going to stop now. I love this game but it could use a TON of improvement. I know it’s a fairly new game and I am willing to stick with it for a while since it’s really fun and I really do believe that it could grow to be a tremendous game.
Take care every one,
- Proxima.