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 Post subject: Re: Originality
 Post Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 12:21 pm 
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Joined: Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:01 pm
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I'm guilty of playing one deck for long time also.. but as angel said, as long as it's winning I don't feel the urge to change it.
+my decks are quite expensive nowadays (anyone has some Courses of Destiny? ^^), si it takes me soo long time to make new one.
Other point is the autodraw, once it'll get settled, I already have an deck idea on my mind, and can't wait to try it..
Another point is that I still am trying to learn how to play that deck I consider to be my best, because the mismoves I'm constantly doing are just.. loosing me games, eh.

 Post subject: Re: Originality
 Post Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:21 pm 

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Themist wrote:
I'd be cool if there was a type of game that would offer both players access to all the cards to put together a deck and play. I'd be making decks like gang busters, of course said game type would only allow those decks to be played in that forum. This idea my be good for new players so they could learn all the cards quicker than phantoms and also increase spending since if a player loves a deck they put together they might be more apt to spend some money to build it for constructed play.

I've seen this tried in other online cards games and the end result was that people became less interested in purchasing new cards since they already had a chance to use them.


 Post subject: Re: Originality
 Post Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:43 pm 

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Magic the Gathering have this problem, too.
they have much more "decks" but they have much more cards.

the people will find always the "best" tactic.

look at warcraft 3

the nightelv there play ALWAYS the same tactics.
dryades and then t3 bears.
again and again, for 3 years


but the innovation wins, always.

maybe im off-topic

sry for bad english

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 Post subject: Re: Originality
 Post Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:40 am 
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Yello peeps:

Proven 1337 deck = more wins, prestige, gold, power... and maybe boredom.

Original deck = greater probability of losing: prestige, gold, power... and maybe more fun.

I personally get bored with the same deck all the time. :| Often you can find me in sealed for that reason. But the truth is that I wish I had a "1337" deck attributed to me that other players were totally jealous of! :evil: That, my gaming associates, is virtual immortality!! :twisted: But for now I struggle forward with the hope that the NFL playoffs will be awesome, and that I will defeat players of uber skillZ in the near future.


DarkJello :ugeek:

Ad astra per alia porci!$!

 Post subject: Re: Originality
 Post Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 5:29 am 
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It starts off as respect but eventually its just like, dude, your a one hit wonder and it I feel stupid for respecting you in the first place. These people regularly average 2-3 power an EC and I just dont see how they "dont have the cards to build new decks" when even I manage to earn enough power to buy cards here and there. I feel stupid for saying that because someone elses finances really arent my buisiness but its just a sucky part of the game.

Im going to end this post by saying dont be 02igin41.

 Post subject: Re: Originality
 Post Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:26 pm 
The Dark Platypus
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Actually, one thing I find really appealing about this game is that just about every player plays a DIFFERENT deck.

In addition, there are so many untapped possibilies out there, that you always have the chance to find a golden deck that no one else has thought of yet. It's really fun when you do that (I site my NP/rag deck pre NP nerf).

If I go play FNM, I know that I'm going to face one of 3 or 4 decks and that if I face anything else, it will be sub par and easy to beat. MTG has tons of cards, but only a few viable strong decks, and most possibilieis have already been tested and tried out.

I've got some really fun deck ideas for TFW, just need the time and the abilit to acquire the cards... speaking of which.. anyone have a twisting intentions for sale/trade? :-)

Altren wrote:
I agree with Keyser, and that's what I'm planning to implement actually.

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 Post subject: Re: Originality
 Post Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 6:29 am 
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Im just going to shut up so I dont sound like jerk. :mrgreen: :lol:

 Post subject: Re: Originality
 Post Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 1:02 pm 

Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:15 am
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Ironically enough, I am playing vs UBER at the moment and giving him sh1t because his deck is a lame @ss MF (heh, just realized MF's hidden meaning :o ... or maybe I am just too naif ;) ) playing scouts and trainings ... hahahaha.

But more seriously, I fully agree with him (well, when he started this topic anyway, not when he made his mofo deck), and the best solution I found to that is ...

I only play sealed/draft. I will accept a (constructed) challenge when asked, especially by friend and good people like UBER, but I really don't enjoy them anymore. I keep a constructed deck just for those cases, but really, I always end up playing vs the same 3-4 decks ....

Now, sealed is amazing. Of course you have the luck of the draw, but otherwise, it really forces you to think more, try to come up with different combos/strats .... Draft is even better of course, but not always easy to get 4 people. I know I even have trouble finding partners for sealed, so ...

Just my two yens. I know it adds nothing to the debate. But the irony, dear god, oooh, the irony .... ;)

 Post subject: Re: Originality
 Post Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 1:07 pm 

Joined: Sun May 10, 2009 11:13 pm
Posts: 75
2 things I want to say here.

@ Keyser:

I really don't think there's THAT much uniqueness in decks. Maybe right now things are okay, but I mean 50% or more were rocking mf/ele in it's hay day, and the decks hardly varied. Maybe a little here or there but you could sure as hell expect to see mahals/forts/negate/training not to mention a few others. Or the Lord of Chaos plasma ragnorak deck, like 5 people jumped on that train after it was discovered.

@ Uber:

Honestly if you're bitter about someone's good deck you should build to counter it. Is Michael Jordan a 1 trick pony because he's got an amazing jump shot but never switched his game to the post? NO

If anything he took what was working for him and made it better aka making improvements to your one deck instead of building a brand new one.

I've got one deck that I play in most EC's. I add or subtract a card here or there about once a week. I have a few other decks I like to play in general (not in ECs), but honestly my deck is fun as hell and I wouldn't start from scratch for the world. Call it one trick if you like, but I enjoy it and that's what I'm here for.

A good player will be able to do well with whatever deck he makes, don't be hating because he doesn't prove himself to you by changing decks constantly, especially in the EIGHT HOUR INTERVAL CLASHES. I'm lucky if I find myself free for a clash once every two weeks now. You can bet your ass I'm going to bring my A game.

 Post subject: Re: Originality
 Post Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 3:45 pm 

Joined: Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:55 am
Posts: 138
I really only have enough cards for one competitive deck...I have 3 or 4 I play, but even my best decks are missing cards I know would make them stronger -- Ivory tower(s) in anything with Sylvan that doesn't use the standard one; No Thunderhead Reaches in my Elemental; no Claimed with Blood, Drain Blood, Possession, Blind Assasins, or Plasma in my DL, etc. My MF doesn't even get started it's missing so many cards and Chaos is even worse.

I do AFK a lot in lobby and in Free Sealed/Draft. The game plays sound when a match starts even when in another window...I wish the sound it plays when a Sealed/Draft starts would be the same way.

I like Angelatheist's deck and might even run something similar if I had the cards, but from talking to him I also know it has weaknesses against certain decks. Sometimes it comes down to metagame and that will shift gradually over time.

Of course, if we really wanted the best decks to continually evolve we would need something like dynamic balancing system I have mentioned before.

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