I will start with saying i think it is awesome someone took the initiative to make a little minigame type thing that we dont have to bother the devs to play.Kudos.
Now for issues i foresee.
Same points for wins as losses? guess ill play a ton of games, resign 4th round and get the same points as the people who beat me.Allowed to play anyone?guess ill grab 2 noobs, rape them 18 times every week, grab immunity for the week.Now, without gold incentive id say these will be avoided, seeing as people would not really do that just for the glory of the win because everyone will say they are noobs who ruined the game ha.The issue with no gold pot, is that not many people will be interested no matter how fun it is-also an issue.
Make a small pot, nothing crazy, just 1 power per person or something small like that.
If a pot is implemented, you can only play the same team 2 times an interval.However, you can still play people that were on that team more, just not that same exact team.For example, i can play against uber and corey 2 times in the interval, but after that i can also play corey and queeshai, or uber and monyx.
You can only play with the same teammate 4 times an interval.I think this would make it funner, and also easier for everyone to be able to play more with the previous rule i suggested.
Make a win 2 points, a loss 1 point.I think it is obvious why.
You can only play people that are "on the island".This is so that you cant farm wins from noobs, you can only play people that have money put into it.
Can't really think of anything else at the moment. But yeah, good job UBER, I think more people should start doing things like this instead of telling the devs to do everything
