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 Post subject: Chaos starter deck
 Post Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:45 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:00 am
Posts: 150
I noticed that there is no chaos or celestial imperium starter deck, so I decided to make one for chaos with a minor theme of mutants:

Buildings: (8x)
4x Warren
1x Hornet Apiary
1x Goblin Sawmill
1x Furnace of Gibil
1x Yarnaga's Labratory

Creatures: (21x)
2x Goblin Bomb Squad
2x Cyclododo
3x Goblin Soldier
2x Glub Bird
1x Kobold Squatters
1x Blade Hurlers
1x Seething Arachnasaur
2x Twisted Nomad
1x Stench Cow
2x Wasteland Rider
1x Riders of OO'Tong
1x Char
1x Yarnaga's Lab Assistant
1x Demented Gangi

Enchants: (14x)
1x Psychotic Break
3x Insatiable Symbiote
2x Tentacles of Lycaron
2x Offending Musk
1x Summoning Circle
1x That Spies
1x Vortex
1x Vessel of Cathil
1x Gaze of the Tyrant
1x Turmoil

Spells: (3x)
2x Gleb's Revitalizing Elixir
1x Interference

Total: 46


 Post subject: Re: Chaos starter deck
 Post Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:45 am 
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Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:38 am
Posts: 315
Im going to be honest. Do we seriously need to rip people off anymore with shitty decks.

Ive always hated what a rip those decks were.

But yeah, if anyone cares to see the other starter deck lists here they are. viewtopic.php?f=1&t=702

I think its fair to add the addition of chaos and ci starter decks I just think its totally fucked the decks suck.

Im going to go ahead and add another deck list idea. Nothing personal angel, just to give the people a tad more competitiveness for their money and Ive played a lot of chaos so I think I can be helpful here. On the other hand I might not be so helpful at making a ci starter.

Yarnaga's Plot

Description: Uses more 2 vision buildings as well as Spatial Disjunction to cast on Gruult Caverns for well control. (Gruult caverns is always on mountain so its generaly going to be safe from harm with spatial disjunction and you will be able to consitantly cast buildings from it (Is it always on the mountains? not sure by the card description)) It also uses Noggel'n Bobbel'n for mutant synergie pump up with yarnaga's labority and as a way to mess with opponents when piked heads is in play. Also, One chaos strategy I enjoy is random spawn places, shaman, serfs, nomad so I wanted to add that synergy also since sometimes it can really help bringing the fight to your enemy. I also added more mutants and removed a symbiote because I think symbiote is 1, totaly sucky, 2, an experience players card because a newb may use it to save his creatures and get screwed over and over. The card sucks for saving creatures. I also added 1 interference per symbiote since sometimes symbiote works well and is worth disenchanting so the creature dosnt get negative tokens as well as disenchantment is priceless in this game.

Buildings: (10x)
4x Warren
2x Yarnaga's Laboratory
2x Shrine of Cathil
1x Gruult Caverns
1x Hornet apiary

Creatures: (23x)
3x Glub Bird
2x Kobold Squatters
2x Goblin Soldier
1x Blade Hurlers
1x Seething Archasaur
2x Twisted Nomad
2x Scum Shambler
2x Rebellious Serfs
1x Wasteland Raider
1x Yarl Chieftain
1x Prince of Desolation
2x Goblin Bomb Squad
1x Redpeak Bandit
2x Demented Gangi
1x Noggel'n Bobbel'n

Enchants: (8x)
1x Spatial Disjunction
2x Psychotic Break
2x Insatiable Symbiote
1x Offending Musk
1x Tentacles of Lycaron
1x Piked Heads

Spells: (4x)
2x Interference
2x Gleb's Revitalizing Elixir

Total: 46

Last edited by UBER on Thu Feb 11, 2010 8:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Chaos starter deck
 Post Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 6:24 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:00 am
Posts: 150
I tried to make the chaos deck on roughly the same power level as the other precons, It has some bad cards and part of the learning experience for new players is discovering which cards aren't useful in a deck and pruning down to 40 cards. Also Char is awesome which gives the new players incentive to buy it. I also feel like that starter decks should have a reasonable number of 'removal' type cards. You're probably right that sticking to two symbiotes is good. My feeling is that new players prefer cards with immediate effects so scavenge or misunderstood orders might be a good replacement


 Post subject: Re: Chaos starter deck
 Post Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 7:57 am 
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Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:38 am
Posts: 315
Lol, noobs do prefer immediate effects.

Just trying to help. I didnt say your deck wasnt good or anything. Plus I probably enjoy deck building more than the matches. Char is awesome.

Two changes I would make to your deck is remove summoning circle since its a combo card and add yarl chieftan. Its usually good, especially with interference to have a yarl chieftan in deck. Especially since chaos is not so much an immediate effect kind of domain. A chaos player will learn he should not rush for the glory and this is a good card to teach that.

Also, I know you meant offending musk as a control card but its really not synergetic with the low life 1 or 2 domain creatures. Possibly add a lawn gargoyle with them? I don know, I quit using musk a long time ago.

Edit: I concede, your deck is probably better for new players so Id like to help add to yours.

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