Main Page
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How to Play The Far Wilds
Battle Screen |
Cards |
Player Status |
Turn System |
Commands |
Glossary |
The Far Wilds is a dynamic game. These are the basic rules but any of these can change or be overridden by various cards played throughout the game.
Each player has an army that they bring into battle. Your army is composed of various cards that you pick out before the battle begins. You do this in the Army Building Screen. Once you start a battle players take turns moving units and playing cards until both players pass. Then the new round begins and you can move your units and play cards again.
The object of the game is to be the first player to reach 20 Glory. There are many cards that allow you to gain Glory but the most common way to gain glory is to control more Flux Wells than your opponents. The person that controls the most Flux Wells at the end of any round gains 2 Glory.
Every Entity in the game is controlled by some player or is uncontrolled.
Any Entity that you play from your hand is controlled by you.
Spaces on the map are also controlled by players. The most common way to control spaces is with Buildings. Buildings give you control over any space they can see. If two players have Buildings that can see a given space that space is uncontrolled.
You can see the area you control on the map. It is shown as a ring of your player's color.
Getting Started
So you have downloaded and installed the game. First off if you haven’t watched the video then check out Quick Video Tutorial. The video is 5 and a half min long, and gives you a very good example of the game play.
The login screen:
You can register for an account by clicking here. Registering will automatically sign you up for an account on the forums.
The Lobby
This is the screen you see once you log into the game. At the top you have three main tabs: Lobby, Army, and Market. The lobby is the main place to see all events. The left side shows the name of everyone who is logged on. Clicking on their name will pop up a menu where you can either send them a private message or trade with them. The center of the screen is the chat screen. On the right side you have a list of all games currently being played or waiting for a player (seen as a Join link next to a game). You can play the computer by clicking the Join link by the vs. Computer under the Special section.
The Market
The market is the place to aquire cards of your own. Gold is the currency of The Far Wilds. You can gain gold one of three ways. The fastest way is through the Purchase gold button. That will take you to a screen were you can buy gold in increments of 500. The second, much slower way, is to battle. For every battle you win you gain 1 gold. The third way is to participate in Tournaments. The amount of gold gained differs depending on the size of the tournament. Once you have 150 gold you can buy a pack of 15 cards. Every pack of cards you buy will pop a window (see above image) and comes with 1 rare, 3 uncommon, and 11 common cards.
The Army
This is where the magic of The Far Wilds happens. Once you have acquired packs of cards of your own you can make a deck.
On the left side of the screen you have the cards that you own. The right side is the list of cards you have picked to be in a deck. The top area is explained below.
Left to right: You can sort the ways you see the cards you have by types: Name, Domain, Type, and Level. This gives you different ways to see what you have. The next is another way for you to separate your cards out. You have the Universal, Sylvan, Mountainfolk, Dark Legion, and Elemental domains. Then you go to the type of card: Spells, Buildings, Enchantments, and Creatures. The last set of numbers is the tier of domain, or how many of the domains you must have out on the field to play the card. The last set of buttons deal with saving, copying, or deleting decks that you have made.
One of the things you may want to know how to look for is the rarity of a card. You can see this by the color of the small circle in the upper right side of your card.
- Card Rarity
- Odd.JPG
Now that you have the basics to the game, the last thing you need to know is the actual combat. For the rules and playing the game itself, refer to the Quick Video Tutorial and the How To page. Before you create your own army try the default ones, they are very balanced and have good cards in them.
Good luck all! See you on the battlefield.
There are several domains that you can construct your army from. There are 3 levels of expertise for each domain. Everyone starts the game with no levels in any domain. The higher the level you gain in a particular domain the more powerful cards you will be able to play from that domain. There are many ways to gain levels in a particular domain. The most common way is to build buildings that give you a level in that domain. For example each Grove you build will give you another level in the Sylvan domain.
<<add picture of domain building>>
Buildings can normally be built in any space that you can see.
If you play a building in a space you don't control that building isn't created immediately (with the exception of the first building played), it is placed as a construction site. Construction Sites take 4 rounds, without being damaged, to become the placed building. If a construction site is damaged it won't progress the next round toward completing the building. Also, Construction Sites don't leave ruins when they are destroyed.
Buildings effect your control area. Building more buildings makes a larger area of control based on their Vision (see Cards). Some buildings also increase your domain level in their respective domain. Buildings have attributes like creatures, however movement rating and attack power do not apply to buildings.
The Cards
For a searchable list of cards click here.
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